Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Raya Biscuits (DIY) ^_^

Salam & Hey guys,

Dahlia Biscuits 2013
Hari Raya or Victory Day for us Muslim will arrived soon. In malay culture during that day in a month we need to visit our friends or relatives house. Of course the main item need to be there are "KUIH RAYA" or Raya Biscuits. There are variety of raya biscuits nowadays; traditional & modern (tart blueberry: purple my fav) HEHEHE

Choc Chip Cookies 2013

Since im working here in Klang start last year im doing my own raya biscuits. It kind of showing im involving the raya preparation. For last year i made the "Dahlia" biscuit! turn out delicious! not to sweet nor tasteless. beside that, choc chip biscuit turn out many sizes (due to the laziness occurred).

For this year im doing the Nestum Choc Chip biscuit.. I made it yesterday, actually this is the 1st batch i made it for my future MIL. hehehe because i will be visiting her this weekend cant wait! of course im doing my shopping there!!! 2nd batch ill doing it next week & of course need to do more more more..

Ok enjoy the photo i share.. Bye
Lot of Love
Nestum Choc Chip Biscuits
Baked wif lots of love ^_^

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Last visit an island wif the status single -Redang- (#Throwback)

Hey there,today i feel like writing my journey to an island call the Redang. As my last post Pulau Tioman actually my visit last year on May 2013. Today entry for current visit & would be the last as single girl to an island. HEHE..(Mid of March 2014)
Actually im not alone to visit Redang i went there wif my sis lala, my couz nafisz, mulim & mr.noiva.. HEHE. We travel by bus (Sani Ekspress) at Jalan Duta to go there we actually take the LRT at TBS. Easy! We travel at night because wanted to reach there by morning. Turn out we arrived early than expected so just take about 3hours early! 

Then we took the ferry to Redang Island. The journey take about 1 hours and im sick sea! arghhh why ohh why! i love travel but always gets the headache. When we reach there "MASHALLAH" it so such pretty & amazed. Just cant imagined that in our country there is a beautiful island. 

We stayed in Redang Lagoon. My rating out of 5 ill give 4.. We got the center of the view between 2 beach! How such beauty & silly me not to capture that view! HUH! Actually after lunch we when to our first snorkeling trip! Excited of course! especially i make him SMILE along the holiday.. 
But we actually more enjoyed playing at the beach near our chalet. Kind romantic we have the night walk wift the full moon above us.. Auuwwww.. memories surely be kept.. 

Ok. do enjoy the picture i share during im there!~ Bye! 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Why u so "silent"

Hai there

Sometimes i feels down & unmotivate. But not always.. sometimes. HEHE

I know you runaway because of me who like to force you. it all because i need answer. Hate said it. Annoying said it. Irratating said it. Dont run!

It haunting me. yups i said it. dont lie.. it make more worse than you said "hate"

Haha what am i saying you are "Diva" and im just a normal person... Bye

ps: just piece of my dairy..

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The "promises" Day

Hai there peeps..
Yup it been a while not updating the blog due to other sosial network that more often to be used. HEHE

As mention above the "promises" are between my family & his family. Yup finally i stick to one & only guy.HAHA. funny with him i feel secure and confident that his the one.
Hantaran DIY

So 22.02.2014 the date we chose btw not us.. its our parents.. Actually it quite a hurry. The desicion made were in 1 week time! can uolls imaging im facing that day. 
I hv 1 week to prepared. in malay culture there are many things to do such as hantaran (gift) from both side, Tok sidang (spokeman) & of course the ring.. The hantaran from my side i need to prepare 7dulang (trays) he need to prepare only 5dulang. the dulang of course need to be decorate which im Do It Myself!

The event when good. Its because only family involve. My dad actually do a kenduri (feast) for his going to F****a for his duty there. so quite big event that day. After all the guest going back, then my event came along. HEHE 

Its is the happinest day in my life for this moment la.. hehe.. Thanks for our parents who accept us & blessing our relationship! we love you guys! Most cooless parents for all time! 

Ok done for today..hehe #throwback #Eday

Mama #MNHNN gave me the rings
Thank You